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  S50005.TXT        Nantucket(r) - Things that you should know.

  Clipper Version  1.03 dtd 09/15/90.

  Problem Statement

  Nantucket(r) has issued Support Bulletin, S50005.TXT, available in
  NANFORUM LIB 16, which lists comments and workarounds concerning the
  following subjects.

     1) Duplicate fields in a COPY TO command
     2) BEGIN SEQUENCE...END with multiple GETS
     3) SET KEY and undefined functions
     4) Translation rules
     5) Displaying long gets
     6) Omitting spaces before macros
     7) TBrowse limit exceeded
     8) Passing color strings by reference to SETCOLOR()
     9) 00/00/00 is an invalid date


  Work Around(s)

  See subject document.

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